To do an order there are two parts : getting a quote, and then filing out the order form before the seller can send us anything.
Asking a quote
When you are shopping for a brand new item for your lab, you need to first check the sellers with whom we have a discount. Those include : Thorlabs, Edmund Optics, RS Electronics (and more but you need to check with the administrative office). For these companies, we usually have a client number to fill out in order to see the discounted prices at checkout.
Once you finish your basket, you need to ask for a quote and not try to finish the order like you would do for a personnal buy. There is usually a button somewhere at the end of the procedure, or you can directly contact the sales with an email. This is important because if you launch an order without first getting a quote, you may receive stuff that you will not be able to pay afterwards !
Register in Mattermost
Register your order in the group's Mattermost Board. Please attach all the possible information in the post.
The order form
If you wish to order something, you will have to first get a quote from the seller, and then fill out an order form ("bon de commande"). The template for such a file can be found on the intranet of the lab, or in the administrative office in 13-23 second floor.
::image-lkb{target="StartingPackage/general/bon_commande.png", size=100}
In order to fill out this form, you will need to fill the following fields :
- DEMANDEUR : This is you, the person who wants to order. You will need to fill in your name and telephone number.
- N°PIECE : The room in which the stuff you order will be stored.
- FOURNISSEUR : The seller. You need to put an address and a phone number. Try to fill this with the french department of the company (if applicable).
- NOM CRÉDIT : This is the tricky part. You need to figure out where the money that pays the order comes from. You usually need to ask a permanent staff member for this question. You also need to tick the box corresponding to the organism that hosts the money : either CNRS (the lab), ENS (École Normale Supérieure) or UPMC (Sorbonne Université). Even in the case where your order will be paid by a special grant (like an ANR grant for instance), the money will go to either the lab or the hosting university (ENS or SU). If it is an order for an item above 15k€/20k€, you will need to do an invitation to tender (appel d'offre) and fill out the relevant numbers for this (Numéro marché / PUMA etc ...).
- NOM PERMANENT : The permanent staff member that allows the purchase.
Then comes the tricky part ... You need to fill out every item in the file, translating all items name to french, and using a nomenclature that is highly non-trivial (NACRES nomenclature). Most of the optics stuff has code OA01, but you need to check for everything in this file. To make filling out this part easier, you can use this excellent Python repo written by the Gigan team.
After receiving the item
After you received all of your order, you need to quickly bring the shipping label to the administrative office on the second floor in order to pay the seller ! If you do not do this, the lab can be blacklisted from certain suppliers that are tired of not getting paid ! This has already happened more than once and it is a penalty for the whole lab !
If it's a on site service without shipping label, fill the form (
Go to a conference
1. Agreement from Alberto Bramati/ Quentin Glorieux
2. Apply for the mission
3. Fill "Ordre de mission" (take a paper version from secretary or download from this link )
Important infos to fill:
- Credit/ Sources of funding (nom/n° de crédit)
- Your name (Nom - prénom)
- Destination of mission (Lieu de la mission)
- Object of mission (Objet)
- Departure and arrival time (Départ de Paris): This should be the time you leave or arrive home
- Transportation fees plane tickets/ train tickets : Bon de transport (through SIMBAD...) bus/metro/taxi tickets: Keep all the receipts for refunding
- Registration fee (Frais d’inscription)
- Meals
- Accomodation fee
- (if Sorbonne Money use : https://w1.traveldoo.com/TraveldooSite/LaunchPortalGLOB.jsp with login NOM.PRENOM/SORBONNE )
- Signature of Alberto / Quentin
4. Add on the Group Google Calendar:
Account: quantumoptics.lkb@gmail.com
5. CNRS member: add the days off on https://agate.cnrs.fr/
6. Give receipts and a list to secretary to claim for refunding