A list of the instruments available and their documentations


BrandModelDescriptionLink to the official documentationLink to group made implementationLink to group example
RigolDS2102ADigital oscilloscope 2 channelsRigolInterface
TektronixTDS 2014C / TBS 1052B-edu4 channels oscilloscopeRuggero has interfaced them
RigolMSO5104/DS70244 channels oscilloscopeRigolInterface

Spectrum analyzer

BrandModelDescriptionLink to the official documentationLink to group made implementationLink to group example
RigolDSA1020Spectrum analyzer 2GHzhttps://github.com/Quantum-Optics-LKB/ScopeInterface
RigolDSA705Spectrum analyzer 500 MHzhttps://github.com/Quantum-Optics-LKB/ScopeInterface

Function/Arbitrary waveform generator

BrandModelDescriptionLink to the official documentationLink to group made implementationLink to group example
RigolDG4202/DG41022 channels Arbitrary Waveform Genatorhttps://github.com/Quantum-Optics-LKB/ScopeInterface
TektronixAFG 3022B2 channels AFG

Power supply

BrandModelDescriptionLink to the official documentationLink to group made implementationLink to group example
Tenma72-2715Programmable current and voltage sourcePower_Suply_RS232_Control
Tenma72-2685Digital control DC power supply (not programmable)

Motorized optomechanics

BrandModelDescriptionLink to the official documentationLink to group made implementationLink to group example
Home madeActuonix L16-100-150-12-PHome made linear actuatorArduino_linear_actuator
ThorlabsK10CR1/MMotorized rotational mount⚠️ For windows only : Usepylablib
ThorlabsZ825B with KDC10125 mm Motorized Actuator⚠️ For windows only : Usepylablib


BrandModelDescriptionLink to the official documentationLink to group made implementationLink to group example
Basleraca2040 - 90um NIRPyViewer Gui Download page (for Windows and linux)
Python SDK (Windows and linux)
PyViewer GUI installation guide for linux (be careful, the setup-usb.sh file is located at /opt/pylon/share/pylon)
Allied visionAlvium 18000 U - 507m


BrandModelDescriptionLink to the documentation