Follow these steps (in order) and enjoy !!!
- Go to the admin office and introduce yourself !
- Get a key
- Get an office (complain to Quentin)
- For foreigners, open a French bank account quickly. You need one before the 25th of the month n to get paid at the end of month n+1
- Get an email : Go to the admin office and ask David
- Ask for the MAC address (Your computer identifier) of your computer to be recorded on the network
- Check that you can join the server LEON : Only when you have an email address and open a ticket by sending an email here
- Install VS Code and Python (via Mambaforge)
- (Optional: Set up the VPN)
- Create a GitHub account and learn how to use it
- Join the group calendar
- Join LKB-mattermost and Quantum-mattermost (and the channels inside)
- Create a Zotero account and join the LKB group
- To eat in the CROUS with the team you need to have a card. Go to room 13-23 203 and ask what to do.
- To use the coffee machine you need to buy tickets in the office in front of the coffee room. (25c each)
Learn about science
Human ressources
- For vacations : see this link
- For telework : see this link
Get to know the place
- Click here to find the most important rooms and offices
Go to the lab (finally)
- Verify you know about laser safety
- Read the lab good practices
- Ask a PhD student to have a quick tour about the equipements
- Learn how and WHERE to save your data
- Join the LabBook of your experiment (on Mattermost)